Talk: Markov Processes and Their Friends

I have prepared a talk which I intend to be my “sure, I can give a talk” if anyone asks me at any point.

The name is “Markov processes and their friends” and you can find the first version of it at the end of the Academic profile.

Or here:

Those notes are the version one of the talk, presented in the Pure PGR Seminar in Leeds.

Oh, also I wrote those notes in Typst instead of LaTeX, I am liking that thing. I guess you can make an account there, but I only downloaded the compiler and with that you are good to go, pretty nice considering the alternative is to download the 800 million packages of TeXLive. There are a number of plugins for Neovim which are nice enough considering how early stage this software is, so I am overall pretty happy. I wish I discovered earlier so to write my thesis on it instead.